Grow Your Email List with a YouTube Series

This episode is all about a fun, easy way to grow your email list with a YouTube series. I call this tactic Maximizer Loop because you can grow your email list AND get more views on your YouTube videos.

Listen to Episode 12: Max Loop Explained: Grow Your Email List with a YouTube Series

In Episode #9, on 3 Ways Bloggers can Make More Money on YouTube, I mentioned that growing your email list is a way that you can make money and that you can use YouTube to grow your email list. That is actually the topic of the YouTube video that goes along with this episode… on the ways that you can use YouTube to grow your list, like where you can link out to your lead magnets and how you can entice people to hop onto your email list, and so forth.

But the Max Loop is a specific tactic that I want to tell you about today that I used to grow my email list by 500 in 30 days back in April, 2017.

Grow your Email List with a YouTube Series

Here is the gist of the Maximizer Loop strategy for growing your email list with YouTube.  

  • Plan out a video series on your channel and a lead magnet for your email list
  • Publish your first video in the series, and link out to your lead magnet
  • Publish every other video in your series and when you link to your lead magnet, link to your first video

Always send the viewer back to video #1 to get your freebie or lead magnet. This way, you’ll get at least one more view on your channel, and your new viewers can start your series from the beginning (and ideally, they’ll keep watching!) I would love to hear your thoughts on the max loop. Is this something you will implement on your channel? Are you even trying to use YouTube to grow your email list? If not, this is a smart way to implement list growth and push video views and watch time so that not only does your email list grow, but so does your YouTube channel overall.

Grow Your Email List With Youtube Series