Hello My World, Hello Your World.

Back in January, 2014 I had this crazy idea.

All my ideas start out feeling crazy. Or ridiculous. Likely both.

I’m an idea person, but most of the time I can reason myself out of them. Most. of. the. time.

GoProMom is one of those ideas that I could not shake off.

It didn’t matter how many excuses I came up with (I don’t have time for this; No one will like it it; No one will care what I have to say; It’s just another “idea” that will shake off in a couple of months), it just wouldn’t leave me.

In fact the harder I tried to make excuses, the more legitimate reasons would creep their way in.

So here we are.

I would like to tell you my plans, but they are not ready for the world yet.

My intention for GoProMom–this website, my youtube channel, my email list, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and Twitter–is to connect with other moms (and dads, grandparents, aunties and uncles, if willing) who care about capturing memories and moments with loved ones before they’re gone.

Imagine a community of non-techie folks who value relationships and see life whizzing by… kids growing fast, parents growing old. Regular people who like to learn, love to play, and have a desire to re-live life’s re-livable moments.

GoProMom is here to explore with you, teach you, and inspire you to capture moments on video and edit them into watchable home movies–videos that people will actually enjoy watching. Home Movies that will last for generations. Videos that will, some short day, be completely, and totally, priceless.