How To Create Custom Thumbnails [Get Those Clicks!]

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The third and final Kick-Ass Edits Tutorial in this series! In Lesson one, we covered a sneaky little time lapse trick, and in Lesson 2, we covered snappy jump cuts, and today, it’s all about the click. In today’s tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create custom thumbnails.

Custom Thumbnails… why?

See, when you create a video, whether it’s something you want your friends and family to watch, or something for yourself, or something you want to get YouTube views on, you have to think about the life cycle of a video.

You need viewers to find, click, watch, enjoy, and engage (or re-watch).

I just made that up.

Seriously. But think about it. In order to get people to watch and enjoy your video (that’s what you want, right?!), they have to not only find but also click the thumbnail.

But think about it: In order to get people to watch and enjoy your video (that’s what you want, right?!), they have to not only find but also click that thumbnail to get it to play.

In this video tutorial, I show you how to create eye-catching thumbnails for free, with and I’ll show you some easy, eye-catching layouts for your thumbnails. And I even have a printable cheat sheet for you with layout examples too, so, put your pen and paper away in case you were taking notes. 🙂

Click here to grab that free cheat sheet of thumbnail layouts!