How to Script Your Videos to Sound Natural on Camera

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If you’ve ever felt a tad awkward talking to a camera, you’re not alone. In this guide, I’ll walk you through a game-changing method I use to script and structure videos, allowing for a natural on-camera presence without the hassle of extensive pre-planning. I’m Meredith Marsh, and I’m here to help you shine on camera so you can build your thriving online business. Stick around as I share my tried-and-true script structure that works wonders, whether you’re creating tutorials, how-tos, or impactful influencer content.

Watch Video: How I Script My Videos to Sound Natural on Camera

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The Power of Scripting Your Way

Scripting for Authenticity

Many advice-givers in the YouTube realm may encourage you to “just be yourself,” but let’s face it, that’s easier said than done. To truly come off as natural on camera, try scripting in a way that mirrors your natural speech. It’s not about crafting a word-for-word script, but rather about capturing the essence of how you communicate. Think of it as training wheels for your on-camera journey.

From Wordy Scripts to Streamlined Structure

Whether you’re preparing for an in-person presentation or Zoom call, you want to be prepared enough to feel confident and natural, but also have enough wiggle room to wing it and feel authentic, like you’re being yourself. So that’s where this video script structure kind of comes in. And I’ve been using this same structure in my videos for several months now. What I do love about it is it’s completely reusable. And it doesn’t matter if I’m creating a tutorial or a how-to video or something that I would call more like an influence script, this structure stays the same.

Leveraging Technology: The Riverside Advantage

Riverside: Your Ultimate Video Companion

Let me introduce you to Riverside, a game-changing in-browser tool that empowers you to create high-quality videos effortlessly. Whether you’re a solo creator or collaborating with guests, Riverside ensures top-notch video and audio quality, no matter how good your internet speed is. And here’s the kicker: you can now seamlessly integrate your script into the interface for a smoother recording experience. So the script and all of your controls are right there in front of you. You can see yourself and any guests in the frame. It’s the ultimate control panel dashboard for recording YouTube videos.

Riverside has also been working on some cool AI functions like Magic Clips, which will take your long-form video and automatically turn it into short-form vertical clips where you can customize the look and layout and you can have your captions burned into them as well. So if you haven’t already, make sure you check out Riverside.

The Teleprompter Game-Changer

For a few months now, I’ve been using a teleprompter, and this has actually been more of a game-changer than I ever thought it would be when it comes to having a script and a structure and coming off natural on camera. You wouldn’t think that reading from a teleprompter would help you sound natural, because it doesn’t. What does help you become natural on camera is being able to look directly at your camera lens and see your notes, script, or outline. So you have all that stuff right there in front of you. So I’m not actually using my teleprompter like a teleprompter, but I’m using it with my iPad as a second monitor for my notes.

Related: Using a Teleprompter – Ultimate Guide for YouTube, Zoom, and Videos

The Reusable Video Script Structure

The 15-Second Hook

To kick off your video, aim for a hook that grabs your viewers’ attention in 15 seconds or less. This brief introduction sets the stage for what’s to come and keeps your audience engaged from the get-go.

Establishing Relevance in the Introduction

Your introduction is where you establish who you are, why you’re creating this content, and what value your viewers can expect. It’s about making a connection and letting them know they’re in the right place.

Dive into the Content

The body of your video is where the meat of your content resides. Whether you’re sharing tips, a tutorial, or valuable insights, this section is the heart of your video.

Staging for Engagement

About halfway or two-thirds through the body, introduce a stage where you can insert calls to action or highlight any sponsorships. This keeps your viewers engaged and paves the way for future interactions.

Handing Off in the Conclusion

In the conclusion, smoothly transition your viewers to another one of your videos. This could be a related piece of content or a part of your broader content funnel. Keep it concise, aiming for 30 seconds or less.

Related: How to Be Comfortable on Camera

Conclusion: Scripting Videos for Success

Mastering the art of scripting videos is a game-changer for any content creator. By blending preparation with authenticity, you can connect with your audience in a way that feels both natural and engaging. And remember, practice makes perfect. So, start implementing this reusable script structure today and watch your channel flourish. Here’s to creating content that captivates and resonates!

Ready to take your video scripting to the next level? Explore the Thriving Creators Society for access to my fill-in-the-blank scripts.