How a DIY Blogger Monetized Her YouTube Channel in 5 Months

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Adrienne set a goal to monetize her YouTube channel this year, and she did it in 5 months! In this episode, Adrienne from Crafty Little Gnome shares 4 (secret) tips she used to reach 1000 YouTube subscribers, fast. Make sure to join us for the challenge:

Listen to Episode 52: How a DIY Blogger Monetized YouTube in 5 Months

Valuable Tips to Monetize Your YouTube Channel, Fast!

Adrienne is a member of my membership program, the Video Pursuit Society. She has reached the coveted threshold of monetizing her YouTube channel in just a few months!

This is a valuable lesson for anyone who is just starting out on YouTube, or with a small YouTube channel. It doesn’t have to take a long time to get to the 1,000 YouTube subscribers needed to monetize your channel. Adrienne gives us some tips on things she did to grow her channel to reach 1,000 subscribers.

Related: How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Fast & Stay Consistent

Create Timely Content

Adrienne created regular, consistent content on her channel, but she also created some timely content. Since we are in the middle of a pandemic, she created content for her audience within her niche that made sense for what people were caring about and needing right now.

So if you look at what is currently trending, and what parts of your niche your audience is interested in at the time, you can apply those topics to what you’re working on in your niche.

Related: 5 Tips to Be Consistent on YouTube (even when you’re busy)

Product Giveaways to Attract More Viewers

The next strategy Adrienne used was to share her content on a website called Home Talk, which is for DIY, lifestyle content creators. So that really helped boost her views overall. She did a product giveaway on that website, which was relative to her audience, to attract more viewers.

Adrienne also shared her product giveaway information on Facebook groups relevant to her target audience, to let people know about the giveaway. This allowed her to promote the product giveaway and direct people to her channel, without directly self-promoting her channel.

5-Day Challenge: How to Build Your Profitable Side Hustle with YouTube in Just 1 Hour a Day

If you’re just getting started on YouTube, and you don’t know where to start or what content to create, I have a fantastic free 5-day Challenge going on at on How to Build Your Profitable Side Hustle with YouTube in Just 1 Hour a Day. If the challenge has ended by the time you’re listening to the podcast or reading this blog, be sure to go ahead and sign up anyway. This will put you on a waitlist for the next free 5-Day Challenge. So I’ll see you there!

Adrienne set a goal to monetize her YouTube channel this year, and she did it in 5 months! In this episode, Adrienne from Crafty Little Gnome shares 4 (secret) tips she used to reach 1000 YouTube subscribers, fast. Make sure to join us for the challenge: