Wondershare Filmora Video Editing – Getting Started

I have been playing with a piece of video editing software this week that I’ve never used before! It’s called Filmora from Wondershare, and they were kind enough to sponsor this post*.

Wondershare Filmora is a fun piece of software that’s available for Mac and PC, and it’s very affordable. It’s perfect for any level of editing, especially beginners, and it has a bunch of really neat features and effects and stuff that are perfect for editing GoPro videos and family movies, which is what I was working on this week. Let’s check it out!

Filmora Video Editing

Wondershare Filmora has all the basic editing functions that you would expect and it’s laid out exactly how you’d expect a video editing software to be laid out as well. If you’ve used iMovie or GoPro Studio, then it should feel very familiar to you. This makes Filmora really easy to use right “out of the box.”

Filmora for GoPro

I edited my GoPro videos in Filmora without any problems at all. The playback is a tad bit choppy, but it is that way when editing with GoPro Studio as well, and has more to do with my computer than anything else.

Fun Editing with Filmora

Beyond the basic functions, you can adjust your color balance, brightness, and speed (like fast forward and slow motion) with the inspector button. Under the “Power Tool” button there are some really funny options. Make sure to watch the full video for all that this function can do! My favorites? The Face Off option!

Check this out:

Wondershare Filmora "Face Off" effect - awesome!

Filmora will recognize faces in your video and apply a “mask” (they look like stickers) or a blurry effect over the face–automatically. Pretty cool!

There are also filters, elements, transitions, and really awesome animated titles as well! I have been known to claim I like to keep things as simple as possible when editing–and I absolutely do. But for fun family videos like a vacation or something? Some of the neat options with Filmora make sense to use (and they’re fun!). It reminds me of making a digital scrapbook rather than a cinematic film.

I would definitely recommend Filmora to GoPro users who want to create fun videos with a scrapbook, family feel.

Check out Filmora:

Filmora for Windows: http://goo.gl/caZzfZ
Filmora for Mac: https://goo.gl/k8Mb9N

*Although this post is sponsored by Wondershare, all opinions are my own.

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Wondershare Filmora for Super Fun GoPro Edits